I got this cute dress pattern online a few days ago and decided to look and see if I had any fabric for it. (I bought a plethora of Classic Winnie the Pooh fabric and this fabric I was going to use for curtains in our babies room) I thought this will look adorable for this dress!! So instead of letting the fabric sit there and wait for a good home, I swooped it up and went to work. I had to alter the pattern a little so I could make a lining fit with it, since it is lacy fabric. A couple of hours and a temper tantrum later (my sewing machine is a cheap piece of crap, and my serger wasn't threading properly), I had a masterpiece. Trinity will wear this to church on Fathers Day. Next project is a MATCHING necktie for John. (evil laugh sets in).
You rock Patty-Paige!:) Excited to see where your path leads! Thanks for inviting me on the journey!:)